I am on triple progesterone so my cervix is paper thin. Sounds like BDing is out of the question which is making DH a little batty. BDing is the last thing I am concerned about. I was supposed to travel and help train my new staff this week. I was only able to travel one day because I was on bed rest.
This week more than ever it seems DH is stressed. He has been sick for quite a few weeks with a cough. I am not sure what is up with that. I don't think it is just your regular cold. Number 1, I didn't get it. I know I am on all these great vitamins and stuff but I thought if it was some sort of cold I would have gotten it. Makes me think there is something more serious going on with him. He is extremely anxious about being a father again. He did it for me, not for us. Which I am completely at peace with but at some point, to make him feel better we will need to have a talk about expectations so he feels better. This whole past year has really been about me. He has been wanting a truck so I have been mentioning to him "lets get you one". I am even putting money towards it but the task gets procrastinated and somehow it still is my fault he doesn't have a truck. He has been sleeping on the couch. I think it is a mix of being lazy and not wanting to get off the couch and the tension. IDK... something is gonna have to give here bc this is not what I signed up for. Time to grow up and be a man. This acting like a spoiled brat shit is stupid. We had a silly disagreement this week because he made the assumption that I was attacking him. I told him not to talk to me for a few days so I can regroup. Seems like I need to make a list of things to discuss with him. I am sure he won't like that either. It doesn't matter. We either need to get on the same page and work together or just give it up. How old are we here? Just ridiculous. I am supposed to be enjoying this time, not walking on eggshells.
So I love Abraham Hicks. In my moment of being really pissed off I listened to this on the way to work yesterday. Wow did it hit home! You really do create your own reality and you can't allow others to bust into your vortex. Easier said than done but after listening to this I felt better!
So on a more fun note.... peanut is the size of a raspberry this week!
try this one
Geez just now seeing this comment. Slacking on my blog