I was kind of dreading this day. Where to begin? So a year ago this morning at approximately 6:00 am I woke to find my love laying across my legs as usual. I nudged him and said, "Come on Meemie...its chow time"..... nothing. I picked up his left paw and I went into immediate panic mode as he was already in state of rigor. He must have passed away at least 3 hours earlier.... and I didn't know. I can't believe I didn't know! I did hear some noises in the middle of the night, the normal fur ball sound but I fell back asleep. How dreadful.... and how horrible for me to not see my sweet boy off?
Nothing every really prepares you for this sad part of life. This is the real shitty part of life if you ask me. We as human beings have so much attachment to our physical selves that it is hard for us to comprehend there is eternity and our loved ones waiting for us on the other side. And yes, they WILL be there when you arrive but it is still almost unfathomable. We don't get it. We have built up so much resistance to the spirit world as adults and it does us so much more harm than good. Did you ever stop and think why children AND animals have virtually have no resistance and are mostly happy all the time? They are closer to the other-side than we are and this is why they easily talk to spirits. Only a few years ago they were brought into the world and still have the connection to heaven where they came from. Unfortunately as we grow, our focus changes to what we call reality. Reality is not real... as a matter of fact it is a freaking brick wall! How dreadful that we do this to ourselves when we could be happily in the vortex (as Abraham calls it) while we are in our physical bodies.
So, I really don't know what is worse, knowing someone you love is going to leave very shortly or having them ripped from your soul...seems like a double edged sword. In a way I suppose the later is better but then you really don't get to say a goodbye in the physical. In the days following Elmo's passing I noticed shadows of him moving through the halls. I heard him meow and I felt him rub my face. Oh my sweet boy, what I wouldn't give to have you back. I am sooooo ugly crying as I write this.
So I struggled so badly with his passing. I had so many regrets.... so many things I would have done differently. I ended up reaching out to an animal communicator. Her name was Sherry (http://www.spiritpaws.com) and I she was so helpful. She also recommended I journal about my spirit interactions with Elmo and others of course. As a matter of fact I just found it! I will have to write in it tonight. So she went on to tell me how "chatty" he was. He would talk to me all the time! I swear I had conversations with him and he would answer me back! LOL She told me his heart was enlarged and he knew his heart would skip a beat every so often. He said "I wasn't put together right". She told me how his passing was peaceful with no pain (I think this is a topic we may have touched on before but i will be sure to incorporate a standalone post on this. When the spirit knows its time, it just scoots out and this is why there is no pain so it was nice to hear this confirmation once again). She said that he said "one minute I was here and next I was gone". Again, good confirmation. She said he desperately did not want to leave me but his body wouldn't allow him to stay.
Elmo said that he would have done anything for me and any time he was being bold he was trying to make me laugh. I guess he thought he was a clown. Hindsight says yes he was... a class clown. I had to keep a squirt bottle in my bed because he would come swat my face to wake up! TURD! So Sherry went on to tell me that the furball sounds were not from Elmo but from Zoey. He kept saying the passing was peaceful so she is pretty sure those weren't from him. She said he was very proud to be a big orange cat and that he was creative as he was painting as he was talking to her. You don't have to tell me twice that he was creative. He killed 3 birds in my house and he was NOT an outside cat! How did he get those birds inside the house if he wasn't outside at all???? Maybe he was selling them bird seed!?!?
So as of right now Meemie is very excited that he can cross the rainbow bridge and come back at any time he wishes. We all know how he desperately wanted outside. He also wanted me to know that he knows we are sad but he is ok and is with us. He said how Zoey can still see him but that it is different. She doesn't understand why he can't be there. She actually asks him "why can't you be here?" He was her protector after all.
So the morning of Elmo's passing I saw him running down the hall after Zoey and heard him also meow. Almost everyday we caught glimpses and heard him. Even Cindy Lou Who heard him and was looking all over for him. She was like what the??????? lol. Last time I journaled I saw him sitting in the window. But then I stopped. I have to start back up. We got so caught up with the move that I was distracted. The move I was so worried about. I wanted to make sure he would follow and Sherry said he would. Ha..... as we speak I can feel him snuggling my neck. Anyhow, one night in bed, I felt him snuggle up to me but close to my face and neck. Sometimes he would share a pillow with me. I was so relieved.
So here we sit, without our love. The pic above was taken a few hours later after we washed the bedding and such. Zoey watched over the spot where he earned his wings for days on end. She is much better now. We asked him to help her through the transition. So now what? Now, we are still trying to get Zoey into her new normal. I think I am still trying to find that. Next week I am off on vacation. maybe we can work on making her room pretty...ya that will make us feel better. Maybe Meemie will join in on the festivities?
What a freaking character he was AND still is!!!!!! I love you my sweet boy! So much!
This beautifully written, heartfelt post made me cry...at work! *HUGS* Meemo will ALWAYS be in our hearts. <3
ReplyDeleteYa the morning I wrote this, I was hearing the song "Id do anything". I think it was Meemie singing it to me!