Friday, May 12, 2017

So much to do RANT

So I haven't posted since we sent our sweet Zoey on her journey. I still feel her fur in my face. Her ashes sit next to me as we speak. But I have been engrossing myself in the Hop Yard. Was there all week long. We have already been diagnosed with downy mildew. I'm so upset by that. This could be catastrophic but hopefully we can get it under control. In the past, the yard wasn't treated regularly for downy and for that you really need to take a proactive approach. We should have been treating since the first green but didn't.  I really feel like I need to do this myself if I want it done but I have a full time job.

This past week I took the week off to tend to the yard.  It was great.  I could really do this full time which is making me think what can I do to improve our money situation.  First, the debt snowball needs to happen.  It has been perpetually happening for years with not much headway.  I am toying around with the idea of posting some books on kindle and also enhancing Pooter's Cache on amazon.  I thought we could use this as a supplemental income.  Get that snowball rolling.  I swear DH thinks that he can live for free.  He gets anxious every time I ask for money but he needs to cough up the dough and contribute his portion.

I plan to delegate the writing of my first book which will focus on my infertility journey.  Some of which you have heard about here.  I also thought I would write about my dating book, alcoholism, and schizophrenia.  So I have a few ideas brewing.  I want to post the author as a fictitious name.   Do you think I can call the author "Pooter's Cache" or maybe Pooter can be the first name and need to come up with a last name?  Let me know your thoughts. I want to use the fictitious name so I can keep the author name consistent and build a brand.

Another thing I am working on is building the store on amazon.  First product is a charcoal sponge.  I just received a sample that I can private label.  I have to say I like it.  You can use any cleanser with it.  The sponge is actually soft.  I also created a logo to support these products.

Some people are doing these few things and supporting their house hold in just a short few months.  It may take me a bit longer than that but how much fun would that be to get rid of the stupid loans, pay the house and be debt free.  DH would feel much better about money.   I am not really telling him about all this as he will have some stupid comments I am sure.  I am just gonna do it!  I'm kinda excited.  As i was tending to the yard this week I had all kinds of you tube videos playing in my tool belt.  Its always fun to have goals to look forward to isn't it?  Things just can't happen fast enough though.  I want it, and I want it now!  It's making me slightly nuts lol.

Back to Zoey.  I do miss her.  I have put a plug in DH's ear that I want another old lady kitty for upstairs.  He threatened to leave me lol.  I still have not cleaned her litter box.  I don't have it in me to do it.  I have always had a kitty in my office while I work.  I was so lonely last week without her.  I loved her sweet personality.  She was still bad ass but she was my girl.  Life will never be the same.  But really is it ever?