Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How I optimized my chances for getting prego!

It is so common for people to a hard time conceiving even after months or years of trying.  For me and a very common is older age and hormonal imbalance.  Our bodies are made to be most fertile in our 20's not 40's.  Had I known.... well I don't know if I would change it.  I was too busy living my life skydiving and enjoying time with friends and family.  All kinds of wear and tear on my body affected my my hormones something terrible.  Unknowingly to me, not treating my body horribly depleted my adrenal glands resulting in irregular estrogen and cortisol.  I was horrible with my diet for YEARS.  Undoing it was going to take some time.  I never realized how much you really are what you eat.  Getting back to basics is important for holistic balance regardless of your goal.  

 I went to the naturopath as my primary just wasnt able to help me.  She advised me to regulate my estrogen and cleanse myself from all the toxins. Through supplements and diet. I was diagnosed with a stressed adrenal system, IBS (gross!) and hormone imbalance.  She recommended probiotics and  fermented foods 3x a day (of which by the way is a great way to lose weight, great for digestion and promotes healthy bacteria). I tried Kombucha, made out of live yeast and bacteria.  It normally comes with the mother, meaning you can see the live culture at the bottom.  Its wierd to look at but actually pretty yummy.  Gives you a buzz too lol. Also added to the fridge were kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso soup. I would mix the kimchi and egg in the morning, sounds gross and was kinda stinkie but it did the job.  I did my best to eat Paleo style as much as possible.  On the go, eating this way is very hard but we found planning out ahead of time worked better.  I found myself packing a small baggie of saurkraut, hardboiled eggs, nuts, seeds and fruits and veggies.

Paleo Diet is also known as Paleolithic diet or the caveman diet. It focuses mainly on the quality and origin the food came from. Eating vegetables and lots of seafood and grass fed meats, free range poultry and healthy fats from fruits like avocado, coconut and egg yolks, and seeds are main components of the diet. It is best to avoid sugar and grains, legumes, carbohydrates, processed food and salt. I especially did my best to stay away from away sugar.  Did you know most carbs turn to sugar?  Thats crazy and we all love them so much.  Unfortunately they are so bad.  I did eat some of the bad stuff here and there but tried to stay consistent with the good.  I lost 20 lbs. during the process.  That was awesome because I was also trying to fit in a wedding dress!

Another focus my doctor had was cleansing my system.  Eat apples, beets and carrots daily to cleanse your liver.  Did you know cleansing your liver has a direct link to estrogen level?  I had no idea.   Cleansing your liver is the key to optimal holistic health.  I would buy these ahead of time and every time i was hungry I would have one of those items as my snack.  They are perfect if you want some items to do some guilt free gorging.  I know when I sit at my work computer I can eat mindlessly.  Perfect items for that! 

The doc also introduced me to castor oil packs to help with the cleansing 3x a week. Castor oil has been tried and tested by people worldwide to have amazing healing abilities.  YouTube it!  It can be used as a laxative for faster toxin excretion, improves blood circulation, a moisturizer that promotes faster healing of wounds and scars, reduces pain and inflammation, also has anti-microbial properties among other things.  And guess what, it helps to regulate the estrogen!  I applied the castor oil as a hot pack with a heating pad. Doing this part was so therapeutic.  I was able to relax and do this nightly.  As I write this it is 9 pm and I am enjoying a pack right now! It really is so relaxing.

Simple little lifestyle changes can help save and create life. It took me quite some time to get into the habit of doing some of these things.  Getting into a new regular diet and taking care of yourself is hard work if you have never done it before.  Undoing years of turmoil seems next to impossible but it can be done.  We tried to conceive naturally for a year and then another two years of fertility treatment.  Keep in mind I was taking alot of injections from the reproductive endocrinologist at the same time but the blending of the two worked wonderfully.  Every cycle you could see how my stats were improving, then finally, a few weeks after the wedding, I went for my baseline testing and my bloodwork looked better than ever.  And what do you know....it happened!

I highly recommend working with a Naturopath for holistic treatment.  They will help you get to the root of the problem and fix it rather than treating the symptom.  It worked for me. You’ll never know, it just might work for you.  What do you have to loose?