Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring time!

OMG.... it has been forever since my last post.  I did end up prego last time.  Looks like one embie survived.  But I lost it shortly there after.  I really don't know what to say.  In speaking to Dr. W we thought this may be my third loss, first one being from a natural cycle.  Now that I have been through 2 confirmed, I thought back to the one cycle where menses was just dreadful... almost unbearable. 

So I took a couple months off.  Went to see the naturopath.  Got some more homeopathic.  Also met with the head cheese at the clinic who I was not impressed with btw.  Arrogant fuck if you ask me.  But he did put me on a new protocol antagonistic with human growth hormone (HGH).  BTW the HGH is 1500.  Don't tell my DH.  He will have a stroke lol. 

So cycle started off great and I responded great.  Probably had 5 follies... better than I expected!  BUT one follie recruited prematurely to almost 19 by day 7 of injects.  Way too quick.  So we cancelled the cycle and when o'natural.  Was a little nerve wracking bc I think I am only just now getting it that these meds we inject ourselves with alter our temps making them somewhat unreliable.

Only just yesterday Fertility Friend showed "O" on last Friday.  Holy cow!  Good thing we BDd.  I'm not putting too much stock into all this but it is promising that FF gave a hard cover line.  It is spring time so maybe that will help.  Regardless I started the progesterone and doxy yesterday just in case.  I did get about a vial and a half of the HGH through this cycle... so you never know.  The kicker is that the mature follie was on the side that was blocked last year.  Dr. G was hopeful the tube would heal itself. I guess we will find out. 

So in the meantime I am keeping myself so busy with wedding stuff.  Had to cut some guests... that was so hard.  Tomorrow I get to meet with the photographer and then meet with a girl to do custom jewelry.  Trying to keep myself on the calm side.  Doing this wedding planning is more fun than obsessing on fertility.  I need to make sure to take my Lexapro too... that helps lol.  I do feel much more at peace.  DH for what ever reason is more supportive.  That is a good thing.  To his defense he has a lot on his plate.  His mom and dad were recently in the hospital.  Work is it with wedding planning and family planning is a recipe for a disaster.

I promise I will try to be better about keeping up with posts.

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