I am pretty sure the stickie one is the one you can see hatching all by itself. I never had that before. We actually had 3 but the 3rd was just not progressing fast enough so we thought we would put our energy towards these guys. So as you can see transfer was on 8/16 so beta was on 8/25. I actually knew I would get a positive beta as my symptoms were just so different. On 8/20 I had some implantation spotting and cramping. No this bean didn't take long at all and on 8/22 I suffered from extreme heartburn. I thought it was the nachos from the night before at the base ball game. My fertility friend peeps convinced me to test and low and behold I get my very first home BFP.
Pardon the coffee stains on the paper. I obviously got really excited and spilled my coffee. So these are my tests over a couple days. The very bottom is from 8/23 am, the very top is from 8/24 pm and the two middles are the morning of my beta 8/25. I figured my beta was around 50ish based on the color of the tests. Boy was I wrong. I gotta 193.6 and beta #2 was 399.6.
Technically I am 4 weeks along even though the fetus is 2 weeks. So at 4 weeks our peanut is the size of a sesame seed.
I am also going to do my bump pictures so here we are... 4 weeks! Nothing but a bloated belly lol!
I really want to write more but lets do that in week 5. I technically just started week 5. My ultrasound is tomorrow where we will get to see the sac! How exciting!
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