Friday, September 26, 2014

IVF Success - Week 8 Bumpdate

So this week was also eventful.  Starting on Sunday I was at emergency with Maggie Moo for vomiting and bloody diarrhea.  Monday she wasn't 100% so I brought her to the vet who hospitalized her over night with fluids and meds.  After dropping Moo off I brought the cat to emergency because the vet didnt have room to take her.  Zoey has been peeing all over the house.  While checking in, I felt a big gush.  When to the bathroom...and blood.... LOTS OF IT!  The stress of animial stuff and running around must have opened up the wound in my cervix from last week.  Called the doc while in the exam room and they asked me to come right away.  I was so upset.  I walked in the docs office crying my eyes out.  Again... just from the cervix though thank god!

I am on triple progesterone so my cervix is paper thin.  Sounds like BDing is out of the question which is making DH a little batty.  BDing is the last thing I am concerned about.  I was supposed to travel and help train my new staff this week.  I was only able to travel one day because I was on bed rest.

This week more than ever it seems DH is stressed.  He has been sick for quite a few weeks with a cough.  I am not sure what is up with that.  I don't think it is just your regular cold.  Number 1, I didn't get it.  I know I am on all these great vitamins and stuff but I thought if it was some sort of cold I would have gotten it.  Makes me think there is something more serious going on with him.  He is extremely anxious about being a father again.  He did it for me, not for us.  Which I am completely at peace with but at some point, to make him feel better we will need to have a talk about expectations so he feels better.  This whole past year has really been about me.  He has been wanting a truck so I have been mentioning to him "lets get you one".  I am even putting money towards it but the task gets procrastinated and somehow it still is my fault he doesn't have a truck.  He has been sleeping on the couch.  I think it is a mix of being lazy and not wanting to get off the couch and the tension.  IDK... something is gonna have to give here bc this is not what I signed up for.  Time to grow up and be a man.  This acting like a spoiled brat shit is stupid.  We had a silly disagreement this week because he made the assumption that I was attacking him.  I told him not to talk to me for a few days so I can regroup.  Seems like I need to make a list of things to discuss with him.  I am sure he won't like that either.  It doesn't matter.  We either need to get on the same page and work together or just give it up.  How old are we here?  Just ridiculous.  I am supposed to be enjoying this time, not walking on eggshells.

So I love Abraham Hicks.  In my moment of being really pissed off I listened to this on the way to work yesterday.  Wow did it hit home!  You really do create your own reality and you can't allow others to bust into your vortex.  Easier said than done but after listening to this I felt better!

So on a more fun note.... peanut is the size of a raspberry this week!

Monday, September 22, 2014

IVF Success - Week 7 Bump Date

This week was crazy.  I had two ultrasounds.  One on Monday and another on Friday.  Saturday night I began bleeding.  After check at US on Monday it was discovered all was well with baby and bleeding was from my cervix.  I guess with the triple progesterone and blood thinner I am on, my cervix is paper thin.  FHR on Monday was 133 and on Friday was 141 so we are definitively doing good!

This week peanut is the size of a blueberry!!!!

Week 6 - Bump Date

Well this week was an eventful week.  I traveled to my office in NYC for the first time since my BFP since things seemed to be going well. Getting around on the street level and through the subway proved to be a challenge.  I was totally winded.  Hard to believe I am already having this much trouble.  I am being told it is because of the progesterone raging through my system.  The the fake stuff I am pumping through but the real stuff.  So I guess in a way that is a good sign.  On my way home I found some elevators and escalators to use instead of the stairs.  That was so easy.  Part of the problem is my hotel was mid town and I work down town making me have to do a double commute.  I couldn't get anything down town because the 9/11 celebrations were going on and everything was booked or it was well over $400 to stay there.

I came home Wednesday night to do my 6 week ultrasound the next day.  I measured a few days ahead so the nurse went ahead and put the FHR doppler on.  How amazing.... you can see how the heart is pumping.  What an amazing miracle this is!  Looks like I finally found a way to embed a video!   Hurray for me!  I believe I was measured 6w6d but was actually 6w3d.

This week we are the size of a pea!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Week 5 - bumpdate

So I am trying to play catch up here so this one will be short.  TMI coming your way so turn your head if you are the faint of heart!  Week 4 was filled with constipation but week 5 was filled with diarrhea!  UGH!!!!  Serious.  I can't believe how much you digestion is impacted here.  But you know what?  I will take it!  I did have my first bought with morning sickeness but my friend Tracy introduced me to sea bands.  They work wonderfully.  We will talk more about them at another time.

This week the chicken nugget is the size of an apple seed. From a seseme seed to an apple seed in one week.  Going though this process I am so fortunate because I get extra special attention.  Attention that people who get pregnant naturally don't get.  I was able to get an ultrasound at week 5 that showed the sac with the yolk.  Our apple seed literally looks like a chicken lol.

Here are my bump pictures.  Still not showing anything.  Haven't even gained weight fortunately.

Pardon the no bra and very messy bathroom.  Some day I am going to remove the silly sticker from the mirror.  I think I have had that mirror for 10 years and never removed the sticker lol.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

4 Weeks and Counting

So go figure.... looks like we got a stickie bean! 

I am pretty sure the stickie one is the one you can see hatching all by itself.  I never had that before.  We actually had 3 but the 3rd was just not progressing fast enough so we thought we would put our energy towards these guys.  So as you can see transfer was on 8/16 so beta was on 8/25.  I actually knew I would get a positive beta as my symptoms were just so different.  On 8/20 I had some implantation spotting and cramping.  No this bean didn't take long at all and on 8/22 I suffered from extreme heartburn.  I thought it was the nachos from the night before at the base ball game.  My fertility friend peeps convinced me to test and low and behold I get my very first home BFP.

Pardon the coffee stains on the paper.  I obviously got really excited and spilled my coffee.  So these are my tests over a couple days.  The very bottom is from 8/23 am, the very top is from 8/24 pm and the two middles are the morning of my beta 8/25.  I figured my beta was around 50ish based on the color of the tests.  Boy was I wrong.  I gotta 193.6 and beta #2 was 399.6. 

Technically I am 4 weeks along even though the fetus is 2 weeks.  So at 4 weeks our peanut is the size of a sesame seed.

I am also going to do my bump pictures so here we are... 4 weeks!  Nothing but a bloated belly lol!

I really want to write more but lets do that in week 5.  I technically just started week 5.  My ultrasound is tomorrow where we will get to see the sac!  How exciting!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Starving at 5:00am!!!!

So I purposively did not write anything since April.  Things were so busy with the wedding and all that Jazz.  I did opt to try one more cycle to see where I was at with my FSH but I think it was in its 20's somewhere so obviously bagged it and decided to enjoy June and July.  From January to July had its share of drama.  The event surrounding the wedding and all the personalities involved were a challenge. I did my best not be a bridezilla but I think people were certainly testing the waters with me.  I understand now that comes with every event.  But this was my day and I was not going to work around others, they would just have to work around me and I truly felt good about that decision.  I had plenty of family and friends to back me up.  In general I am a pretty confident person who makes reasonable decisions. Fortunately I have an extremely strong husband.  At times too strong (it gets him introuble lol).  Maybe that is why we get along.  So I didn't want to burden him too much with the details but I got to my breaking point and shared with him.  Well, my now husband had a meltdown.  We did get past that and went on to enjoy our day and after that started the rest of our life. 


So here I am Tuesday morning.  Freaking starving!!!!!  This is crazy how hungry I am and how much heartburn I have.  You ask why the hunger and heartburn?  Well below says it all!!!!

I don't know why I can't imbed the stupid video.  I guess I am technologically challenged. lol