Sunday, June 24, 2012


Ummmm ya... so have you ever gong to CVS, scanned your extra bucks card and got this????

Sorry.... haven't figured out how to flip the image.  I got 7 coupons from the extra buck machine.  Very very very COOOOOOL!  I only spent a couple dollars  at CVS today.  I got Xtra detergent for $1 a bottle.  Combine their price special along with at $1/2 coupon and you get a bargain.   Anyone who does not coupon is CRAZY!

Today seemed  like a good day to take pics of my flowers. I most certainly have more pics I promise.  Check these out!  

 I so love my flowers. I will just have to extreme coupons for a while to save up for a good camera.

On another note... we have a Mommy and Daddy Robin making a nest.  This picture is day 2 of creation.  Wish I took a pic on day 1.  We will have to monitor her progress for sure!

On day 1 she just had a few sticks together.  Now look at it.  I cant wait to see what is yet to come.

Now look at boo.  I think she put herself in time out!

Do you see here way out there in the corner.  Who knows what she was thinking... morning sunbathing maybe??? 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

DISLIKE: Ceiling Fans

Although Zoey looks like she is mad... she is actually sleepy and relaxed.  It only took her 48 hours to tell me what was wrong.  Maybe I should concentrate on animal communication instead of spiritual lol.  So I think it was yesterday morning and she was still acting weird.  I fed her and she was not interested and insisted on staying in the bathroom.  She did finally come in the room and hide under the table.  She looked at me, looked at the ceiling, looked at me, looked at the ceiling.  HOLY CRAP!!! It is the ceiling fan!  I turned it off and she was happy as a clam!  Dave turned it on the other night as we don't have air.  We never had a ceiling fan at my house.  Life is now back to normal in Zoey land.... THANK GOD!

Speaking of manimals this week was soooooo hot for them so It was a good thing they were going to Mommy Dannis for day care.  Here is Cindy sticking her head out the window... her version of air conditioning.  These car seats are great for the little dogs.  It straps them in for safety, while allowing them to still catch some airtime.

It even gives them room to lay down and sleep for long trips and they are still strapped in safely.

I highly recommend these for keeping the pups safe during travel.  My girls love them so much!  Maggies I got at Christmas tree shop for $5! and Cindy's I got on Amazon for probably $20.  And if you notice they are elevated, not only so they can see outside but so they don't set off the airbags!  NICE!

Of course... I needed to catch my own airtime!  Feeeeeewwwwww so hot!

 Ooooops.  I almost forgot to mention Bentley and Spot.  They are wondering why they couldn't get their air time?  That is a story for another time.

So today is supposed to be a nice day.  Not too hot.  Let's try to enjoy it! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Zoey Girl

So today I came up to feed Zoey and everything seemed to be a normal day.  This pic was taken before I sold my house.  I think she misses it.  I kinda do to but I now have a massive upgrade.  Anywhoooo so she ate her food a little bit and ran into the bathroom in the hall and just meowed.  Very odd.  Normally she stays in the room with me while I am having coffee and doing morning computer stuff.  I went back in the bathroom to brush her and she seemed to like it but didn't follow me back into her bedroom.  I decided to pick her up and bring her into her bedroom and she seemed afraid of me.  I brushed her, and she didn't enjoy it like normal.  She then hid under a table and looked at me with big eyes as if she didn't recognize me.

 It has almost been a year since we lost Elmo.  Poor man.  On that bed above almost in that exact position I found him.  He passed in bed with me.  So with that, I worry about Zoey and her actions today.  She is obviously not feeling well.  Elmo never gave me a sign... he just left.  I don't know what is better, to have notice of something impending or for them to just leave. Daniel just told me she was in the bathroom about 3:00 am too.I guess we will have to wait and see how she is this evening.  FEEL BETTER ZOEY GIRL!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Relay for Life 2012 - Scotia Glenville

Here is the picture I promised.  What a wonderful site.  I just have to get a new camera so I can take some really good pics.  I am not sure how many luminaria we had but it seemed there were triple from last year.  What a good time we had.  We all looked at our watches and all the sudden it was 11:30 pm!  OMG... what a fun and powerful night. 
This picture is the ceremony where we remember and honor our loved ones lost, still battling and SURVIVED!  Seriously if you haven't been to this you should do it next year. 

On another note, today I once again for the millionth time attempted at eating healthy in an attempt to loose weight.  I am almost afraid to weigh myself tomorrow.  I was turned on to another blog called....oh lord... i cant remember. maybe?  Anyhow... she writes about EVERYTHING.... so why shouldn't I?  She kind of has a staple breakfast with oats, seeds and yogurt.  I tried it for the first time this morning and you would not believe how full it kept me for sooooo long.  I will definitely do that again.  I suppose I am supposed to take pics???  I better start eating better if I am going to do that. 

Also on another note... I am thinking about my psych development classes.  Fortunately I have been able to my new skills to help others.  I am thinking about continuing to level 2 but the commitment is huge.  I don't have to worry about it until October though.  In the mean time... self defense classes are on my list.  I am looking forward to someday karate chopping someone if I need to!  LOL

Start of Summer

One of these days I am going to figure out how to work this thing.  Alot has happened since my last post in November.... OMG NOVEMBER???? But I am not going to go back in time.  I guess I will start with today June 20, 2012.  Today is the first day of summer and boy is it a hot one.  I unfortnately spent it at a funeral this morning.  Thank goodness there was shade for some of the elders.  Over these past couple weeks we lost a couple Dads to cancer.  On friday night we honor those lost and those who are survivors at the Scotia Glenville Relay for Life (  Donations are still being accepted by the way - eheeeem... reason for the link :).  I will have pictures posted shortly.  What an amazing event.  If you have ever lost someone to cancer, go to this event.  You will realize very quickly that you are not alone.